
Until now, the moments captured leading up to this point in time.

b/w film — “broken trees.” Peezy 2020.

“broken trees.” Peezy 2020.

b/w film — “birds flying high you know how i feel.” ~ nina simone. — Peezy 2020.

“birds flying high you know how i feel.” ~ nina simone. — Peezy 2020.

b/w film — “one more step.” Peezy 2020.

“one more step.” Peezy 2020.

b/w film — “splash-n-dash.” Peezy 2020.

“splash-n-dash.” Peezy 2020.

b/w film — “paths & road.” Peezy 2020.

“paths & road.” Peezy 2020.



Peezy Boii finding the rhythm within creatively

Peezy Boii | Beat Maker | Artist | Appreciator of all kinds of creativity, opening up a glimpse of my mind