COVID-19 Impact on Social Media Usage and Digital Advertising from Businesses

By Elvis Perez

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The significance of the coronavirus has left quite an impression on social media usage and digital advertising from businesses. As the effects of the coronavirus continue to influence daily function and alter lives every day, social media seems to be the silver lining through it all. From delivering news quickly with multiple sources to verify from, to the accessibility of social media being used to educate the public and shape public behavior, social media has become a key part of lives due to this pandemic, “According to ComScore, the number of minutes spent by readers on news sites has increased by 46% on the same period last year. You’re probably also spending more time in social apps — but are there any new behaviors that you’ve taken up in the last few weeks.” A recent article from reveals.

On the other hand, with one of the largest consequences of the virus being self-quarantining and self-isolation — where people are staying home and being advised to stay home — to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, switching to remote learning and remote work online through video chat software tools such as Google Meets and Zoom has had profound effects on people and on social media.

With the rise of many trends and challenges serving as entertainment, social media influencers and creatives have taken platforms by storm. The number of users on social media platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, Facebook, YouTube, & Twitter has increased. People have more time at home, and they are spending more time on their phones. On Twitter usage has gone up but that didn’t translate financially into the companies’ finances, “As you might expect, Twitter is seeing a lot more usage amid the COVID-19 lockdowns across the world — but that doesn’t, however, mean that Twitter’s making more money as a result, according to a new update from the company.” An article on COVID-19’s impact on Twitter mentions. That has been a trend that’s been seen on other social platforms which have also faced a reduction in digital advertising revenue.

Changes in Behavior Impact on Social Media

Changes in online behavior were expected, as social distancing becomes the strong emphasis from public officials for citizens to stay at home. Yet, with such changes in behavior, it seems that businesses on social have not had the opportunity to capitalize off the pandemic in ways to put companies in front of the many users online. As the focus for businesses shifts to more operational functions instead of advertising, it makes perfect sense for digital advertising to decline.

With a decline in digital advertising revenue, the media platforms lose a tremendous part of their revenue stream, “The COVID-19 impact began in Asia, and as it unfolded into a global pandemic, it has impacted Twitter’s advertising revenue globally more significantly in the last few weeks.” Twitter said in a report. “The impact is likely coming from smaller advertisers and businesses that have either been shut down or restricted and which are now switching their focus onto how they can simply stay in operation, as opposed to spending on ads.”

It seems that the significance of COVID-19 has touched upon every industry and has shaken up the world in plenty of ways. It is incredible and scary to be going through such a traumatizing moment in history where we don’t know what lies ahead after this is all said and done. This will change the course of history and human interaction as we know it.



Peezy Boii finding the rhythm within creatively

Peezy Boii | Beat Maker | Artist | Appreciator of all kinds of creativity, opening up a glimpse of my mind